Tuesday, May 24, 2005


He was coming home.

It had been a long 4 years. Molly had waited for what seemed like eternity on him to write to her and say he was on his way. She had been married only two months when her Adam was taken away. To Germany, to Russia, to who knows where. She loves to remember the way they met...the night they fell in love.... Her friends from school had convinced her to attend a dance the college was having for the soldiers about to be sent off to war. Reluctantly, she borrowed a pink dress from a friend and tagged along. Standing off to the side not paying attention to the conversations, she had noticed him looking at her from across the room. He was so handsome with his dark hair and dark mysterious eyes. She smiled at him shyly, but it was a magnet attraction that drew him to her side. The band began to play a slow song and his first words to her were a breathy "Dance with me..." as he held out his calloused hand. Molly took it and her heart raced...

"Remember the night we fell in love...." is how the song went. She hears it in her head as if it were playing on a record player in front of her. The sweet song by Irving Berlin. They danced many more times that night and he walked her back to her dorm. They walked along the shore where the water was clear as an aquarium and you could see the reflection of the moon dancing on the surface. He held her hand and kissed her at her door. Everyone thought they were crazy when they married a month later. But she loved him and she knew in her mind she had to. She would love him forever. Then he was sent away.....

She straightens her dress and checks her hair in the mirror. Before she goes outside and sits on the front porch to wait she makes sure everything is perfect. She holds his last letter and reads it once more for assurance.

Dearest Molly,

I am coming home. This war is finally releasing its grip on our lives and I will be with you soon. I miss you so much and cannot wait to hold you in my arms. They say I will arrive on the 14th of July. Just one month more and we will be together again. I don't have much time to write because the mail is going out now but they are holding it for us to write our letters home and tell our wonderful news. I love you so much.

Faithfully Yours,

P.S. I hope your strawberries are good this year. I can already taste them...I dream of them...of you.

P.P.S. I love you.


She doesn't recognize the black car that pulls up to her small farmhouse drive. Slowly she stands and sees the two men get out of their car. They walk up to her and begin to speak...

"Molly Kincaid?"


The other gentleman comes to stand by her side as if he is going to catch her...suddenly she knew -- her Adam was gone....

"We regret to inform you...."

1 comment:

Mark said...

Well written Ally. I hope to see more here soon!

Dear Mom,

Prelude:  I feel a little lost in this world.  March 21st 2019 my mom was given a "death" sentence of Pancreatic Cancer.  They tol...