Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Understanding Jena, LA

Two weekends ago on our news, I saw where a group of people went down to Jena, LA to protest the "Jena 6". I didn't know what the deal was. Then my Mom brought over People (magazine) and I read an article that didn't really tell me much. Friday and then continuing today, Dr. Phil had people from the town on his show. I still felt like I didn't have the entire story! Its frustrating. I want the TRUTH. Thank goodness for NPR! :)

If you want the unbiased details of what happened click here: Beating charges in Jena, LA

So after reading that article -- here is my take.

1.First of all, I don't think any of the incidents have to do with the MAJORITY of the school population. I'm sure there are many students (black and white) who were not involved in ANY of the vandalism, beatings etc. I would like to think that the ones who are clearly breaking school rules and the law are misguided few. The squeaky wheels being bad again!
2.The "white tree" thing was a problem that should have been cleared up - long before now. The Principal tried to do the right thing - told the boy he could sit "anywhere he liked". Good for him!
3.The boys who hung the nooses - should be expelled. They brought weapons to school. Nooses actually are weapons. Again, the principal tried to do the right thing. The superintendent - probably a wannabe politician - was wrong.
4.The DA thing -- looking at someone as a threat - probably misread. I mean he was speaking to a crowd. You do look at people when speaking to a crowd. He had to look at someone. My question is, why in the world was the DA there? The school should have tried to promote unity -- not invite threatening police - law people. Why not bring in two speakers - black and white to discuss how people need to stop this insanity? Show a video of 9/11 or WWII to get this tree crap in perspective. The school got it wrong on this one.
5.Whether or not the school district is racist -- hasn't been proven in my opinion. The details of similar black students bringing weapons to school haven't been released. Again see #3, Schools cannot have weapons in them. Period. If a student brings a weapon to school - as a prank, with intent to use, no intent to use, show and tell or whatever they should be expelled.
6.Crashing the party. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?!@#! Someone should have called the police at the party. The student forcing himself in was clearly trying to create a stir. I'm really torn on this and here is why... I think what I would do to someone trying to force their way into my house - uninvited - unwelcome. I struggle with this because isn't that a form of breaking and entering? If I were having a party, I would call the police...definately. Its very scary someone coming into your home with bad intentions (think robbers, murderers etc)....so I can see the situation elevating very quickly. He should be taught - you don't force your way into someone else's home. Who beat him up? Were they threatened? I need more to this story.
7.Why in the world did the white boy have a pistol? WHY? Did he feel threatened? He should be dealt with as a juvenille - carrying a weapon without a permit. If anyone, he disturbed the peace. Does LA give kids permits for weapons? It was wrong that was not addressed.
8.Stealing the weapon was wrong. Hello that is one of the big 10. The black boy should be charged in juvenille court for theft.
9.Justin Barker mouthing off. No he shouldn't have done that. But mouthing off isn't against the law.
10.Beating the crap out of someone is against the law. The 6 students who beat him up should have been expelled at the least. I'm not sure where the line is drawn - school discipline or crime. . All across America kids fight in school. At what point does it become assault? I really don't think the Jena 6 intended to kill the student. I'm sure there is some law or provision or something. If you know, please post it. Whatever the rule is it should be clear. I think 2nd degree attempted murder is probably harsh. Assault is the more probable crime.
11.All of the cases etc should be tried in juvenille court. These kids (white and black) are all under 18 as far as I know and are clearly in need of some guidance.
Do they relate to the DA, Police, Mr. Civil Rights activist this and that? NO. The adults need to find a way to relate and wake up the kids.

That's my 2 cents.

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