Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Phantom of the Opera -- A movie review

First let me say this...I have listened to the score from this musical since I could walk...ok maybe not that long -- but since my earliest days. The Music of the Night was one of the first pieces I ever heard that left me -- breathless and teary and insanely in love with music -- as more than something you listen to.

OK all that being said....

I love the beginnning...I loved the ending both are very mysterious and very much done toward the BOOK. If you love this musical its hard not to love this movie.

The music is very well done although honestly I could do without the electric guitar in the Main theme.

The acting/singing.../bittersweetsigh....

The Phantom played by Gerard Butler lacked depth in his voice...but was still very good. Its hard to live up to Michael Crawford's depth in my eyes.

Christine played by Emmy Rossum was OMGWTHINcredible...I am once again hindered by the fact that I never really liked Sarah Brightman's voice -- I mean she sings beautifully but lacks the spirit in her voice that entire thing is about Ms Rossum felt the role and did beautifully.

Raoul -- played by Patrick Wilson was good. He at times lacked emotion in his face that I felt like someone sooooo in love should possess. I mean his singing was beautiful but had little or no expression in his acting.

Miranda Richardson played Madame Giry and was a scene stealer as well as the young girl who plays her daughter (I'm not sure of her name) Both were WONDERFUL.

The company was incredible in their performances of Masquerade and Prima Donna.

The set was WOW...wonderful...very Joel Schumacher very strange very elaborate.

The costumes were simply incredible...I loved them. Masquerade was so beautiful -- like a painting

The website -- very good. If you go you can hear what I'm talking about....
The Movie Website

Overall: 4 Bravos out of 5

I would see this again. I hope next year for Christmas I get the DVD. I loved it...LOVED IT. I want to see it again.

Things to note:
People in the theatre clapped at the end
The man behind me sang every word for the first 45 minutes...he isn't any Michael Crawford either.
I would have chosen the Phantom at the end -- not Raoul. I don't care how mauled his face his -- he could sing better

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