Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A Rant

First things first...If you don't like what you read here, its OK by me. You don't have to like it. But please note, I am not here to entertain you. I do this FOR ME. If you find my posts offensive or unentertaining please by all means, find the big X up in the right hand corner of your screen take your mouse and CLICK IT. We'll both be happier for it.

Secondly, if you are going to the gym -- WHY WHY WHY must you wait for a parking space at the door? I mean you're there to exercise, its NOT raining, and you don't want to walk an extra 10 feet? Hello -- what part of that makes sense?

Sorry...I am in a foul mood today. Just ignore me and tomorrow all will be well.

Remember: If you put a penny in a vase of tulips, it makes them stand up.

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