Wednesday, March 9, 2005

The Trail

She walked along the trail. The leaves were shimmering in the sunlight for it had just rained earlier that morning. She had walked this trail a hundred times and yet each time she saw something new. This morning would be no different.

As she neared the top, she stopped for water. She set her backpack down and leaned against a large tree that had fallen. Knowing she should continue as she was so close to her destination, her lungs begged for more air. Suddenly, a man came up the trail behind her. Her first thought was to return to the bottom and as she got up to do just that, he said, "Hello!" He smiled the perfect smile. She couldn't speak. He was so handsome. He held out his hand to her and she took it. He did not shake it as she expected but raised it and kissed it with his perfect lips. He was extremely tall and his eyes danced a million dances. The breath she had regained was quickly lost once again.

He knew this. She was beautiful, he thought, as she gracefully moved a lock of hair out of her face. Her eyes were fixed on his. It was magnetic to him. Unable to resist, he stepped forward and placed one hand on her slightly damp face. He knew she was about retreat so without pause, he leaned forward. In one swift movement he placed his other arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him as he kissed her deeply. She returned his kiss and wrapped her arms desperately around him. Clinging to his shoulders, she felt herself sink into his long arms. It was the perfect kiss...

The loud thunder startled her. She had fallen asleep and it was raining once again. Disappointed that she would be denied the magnificant view from the top and that the kiss was only a dream, she stood and burshed herself off. Thinking to herself, she would try again tomorrow. She picked up her backpack and began her journey down the trail.

Suddenly a deep familiar voice from behind her..."Hey! Wait up!"...

She stopped and didn't even need to turn around.

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