Tuesday, July 12, 2005

LOST! A panicked feeling

Vacation Ally Report:

We were all sitting around in our beach chairs...it was sunny...the little people were just playing with their toys in the sand...there were 5 adults and 4 tots 6 and under...Pretty good ratio I would say....

I blinked and my sister says


Anna is our precious little 18 month old (my niece)

My heart raced. I jumped up - not knowing but I did know she hadn't toddled behind me (I have a notion to grab them and give them kissies every time they are within reaching distance.) It was strange we all went in different directions like an emergency plan in place. I went behind where we were sitting and saw her instantly. She was only about 10 feet away from me. By then her mommy (my step-sister) had gotten her mom and sister looking too. (This is all in a matter of seconds). I didn't even thank the lady that held Anna's hand. I just ran and scooped her up and hugged her and kissed her. The whole time she is saying mama mama in the sweetest little voice never realizing we are all in a panic. I ran back over to where we were all sitting and someone got "mama". We all just looked at each other and thanked God silently that we found her.

Its still crazy to me that we lost her to begin with. We were all talking and she was right there playing. It was just MILLISECONDS that poof she had just wondered off without us noticing. Not one of us. I felt sick...and all day long have done a mental checklist everytime I'm outside.

Little people are so precious. I can't imagine the feelings of those that have lost one...We always made fun of people who keep their children on those leashes in malls and things but I UNDERSTAND the MOTIVATION to keeping them close. That fear -- the fear we felt today was overwhelming.

Thank God we didn't lose her.

Oh and I went back and thanked the people she was standing with when I found her. I apologized for being rude and they were so nice.

Remember: Garfield is a FAT CAT.

(I'll fill you in on that tomorrow :) )

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