Thursday, July 14, 2005


I know I'm a dork...I still have one entire day of vacation left...but I'm packed to go home. I guess I will COMPLETELY enjoy my entire final day at the beach.

What is it about the beach and the ocean...the waves crashing to the shore...that are so magical? so thought provoking? so romantic? so awesome? I love it and am always sad to leave. The week at the beach goes by so fast...too fast really. Our daily lives are action packed with work and just life. But for one week out of the year, I completely unravel and just do nothing for a week.

I'm sorry to the regular visitors of TLTDaM that this has become a diary of my vacation. I will return to regular programming on Saturday.

Remember: 1 + 1 = 2 everything else is gravy

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