Friday, October 14, 2005

My Hunt for a Job

HELP! Ally of the great cushy government job of 10 years has just been undeniably thrown to the wolves of corporate America. Rawr! I feel like running into a dark padded room and hiding.

OK so far I've been on 3 interviews. Well 4 if you count the interview with the recruiter, a recruiter who has, in 7 months landed me *one* interview. Nothing like a little NO INTERVIEWS FOR YOU to put your self esteem and self worth into a tailspin. I should have known when she started making excuses for herself NOT being able to find jobs because since 9/11 they just aren't out there. WHATEVER.

Interview #1
Visuals: Black Tahari Suit, Jones New York Collar Shirt, Black Nine West Shoes
Company: Religious Based - Foundation type company seeks trainer
Result: I was the PERFECT candidate. The NUMBER ONE choice was the feedback...However I just didn't seem EXCITED about the Foundation.
Ally's thought: huh? I'm like over enthusiastic about everything. Its gross. OK maybe they had never heard of the little church I go to...and maybe I DID tell them I really didn't feel "Called by God" to serve them. But really, what would God think if I had LIED?
Final assessment: Don't lie to the big G man for any job.

Interview #2
Visuals: Black Tahari Suit, Jones New York Collar Shirt, Black Nine West Shoes
Company: Government IS Dept seeks Analyst
Result: Asked me questions about urban planning.
Ally's thought: Did I really really say "I am more of an interactive participant in the IT area. I translate from the programmers to the end user complicated issues in a way they can understand. I would not be happy doing data extracts all da...bleh bleh bleh" and they say this job is doing just that.
Final assessment: Shut up and tell them you don't want the job AFTER they offer it to you.

Interview #3
Visuals: Black Tahari Suit, Jones New York Collar Shirt, Black Nine West Shoes / Presentation: John Meyer Suit (pants) with Franco shoes
Company: Data Processing Company seeks trainer
Result: Interview went awesome. They had found me on Career Builder. Woohoo! In the middle of the interview, "Alyson I am really impressed with you...bleh bleh bleh...lets go ahead and schedule you to do a presentation...(great get to be all hyped up for THAT)" The presentation goes awesome. HELLO THEY APPLAUDED!
Final assessment: Yesterday I get a call -- um ya you suck you didn't get the job. OUCH. NO way. Are you sure you got the right person? You called me remember?

For the love.

So I'm incredibly frustrated. I know only 3 interviews -- big deal. I just feel like this should be somewhat easier. I know it wasn't my job to have...where is the job I was meant to have. Is there some secret to finding a job that makes you happy?

Remember: Its all about the shoes.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hang in there Ally. That dream job is out there, just waiting for you to come along!

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