Friday, April 7, 2006

Instructions Part1

1. Stand up do a little jig and sit back down
2. Note the time 6:15 PM
3. Make up a new nickname for yourself (I'd love to read these!)
4. Smile a huge smile and hold it
5. Go to and type in your favorite word - report back what it says (keep SMILING)
6. Count backwards from 10 while smiling 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 4 3 2 1
7. Look or step outside and find ONE thing you have "never noticed before"
8. Say one positive thing about yourself out loud. For example: I am an awesome driver. (Stop laughing people who know me in real life)
9. Look at a picture of someone you don't see all the time and think of them fondly
10. Think of one thing you have meant to do and make a "due date" for completion

Remember: You may not think I know you're here but I know you're here.

1 comment:

Ninutey said...

1) Done
2) 1:43 PM
3) You did it for me
4 - 6) Don't think so
7) The tree's are budding
8) Positive is not in my vocabulary
9) Done
10) No due date, just hope..

Dear Mom,

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