Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2006

Its just another day right? Wrong. The images are still -- just horrific. The stories are sad, inspirational, patriotic, spirtiual. Five years later, this country has changed so much. We've lost some of the unity that was born that day. The political unrest here is discouraging. Crime is at a high. The news rarely filled with "good news." But with all of the bad, people are getting married, having babies, people are going places, students are graduating from college...proof that life does go on.

I'll never forget where I was on that day. It was much like today. I was teaching a software class...just like today. The sky was clear...just like today. And my boss sent me an email. "Ally, something horrible has happened -- go to or turn on the television...."

I tried going to MSNBC but the page wouldn't load. We had a television in the classroom so I reluctantly turned it on. I say reluctantly because I didn't want to upset the class. I couldn't process what I was seeing....I said "but there are TWO towers at the World Trade Center" About that time, the 2nd tower fell to the ground....

Several of the ladies in my class cried. One called her daughter in DC. It was just a tragic day....

1 comment:

Mark said...

It is hard to believe five years have passed already. I remember checking the yahoo main page for news, as I do everyday before leaving for work. The first tower had already fell. I turned on the tv and couldn't believe what I was seeing. My wife, my 5 year old son and I watched as the second tower went down. An hour later, on my way to work, I stopped at a red light. I glanced over at the car next to me and saw a woman crying. So many emotions... even five years later.

Dear Mom,

Prelude:  I feel a little lost in this world.  March 21st 2019 my mom was given a "death" sentence of Pancreatic Cancer.  They tol...