Sunday, March 25, 2007

Why can't SNL be funny?

I am trying to be a SNL fan but tonight the show has reached new lows. Peyton Manning throwing a football and hitting young children? Peyton Manning cursing at young children? As I write this, now SNL is dissing Dora the Explorer (whose explicative had to be "bleeped) and Happy Feet. Seriously SNL stick with the adults and STOP THE KID CRAP. WHAT part of that was funny? I was waiting for "no real children were harmed in the making of these skits."

I miss a good funny SNL. Remember Chris Farley preaching about living in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER. HA!

I think I'll go watch a Tivo'ed Soap Opera for my SN Humor....because right now in my world SNL means So Not Laughing.

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