Sunday, July 15, 2007

SYTYCD - A gripe

I posted this on the forums...I'm so upset about the bad decisions of the judges this year. Ever since Mia and Nigel kept Cedric week 2, the effects of that BAD decision have been enormous. Here is what I posted:

First of all, I should start by saying that I disagree with the judges decision to send Shauna home.

The biggest thing - I have an issue with is Nigel's statement last night regarding growth and Shauna. How in the world could she grow "carrying" her partner around for 2 episodes? She probably grew in patience (Hello the choreographer had to have 3 assistants to deal with her one partner). She has been consistent, technical and "ON" every week even with the partner she was given. She stood a chance with Jimmy - until Mia decided to keep Cedric. That decision has caused a snowball effect of bad decisions. One of the judges even said they felt sorry for the dancer who was paired with Cedric and this was a DIRECT RESULT.

And although I like Anya, I do not see that she grew in any way this week. I think that her solo last week was much better than this one. (Shauna blew her away with her solo both times). I thought she (Anya) is consistently overshadowed by her far superior partner Danny. And she doesn't have the charisma that the judges talk about "to get the votes."

How in the world could America vote for Shauna when they wanted Cedric gone? The girl didn't stand a chance. She is a victim of a bad decisions on the judges part. Shame on you judges.

The proof is in the pudding:

Week 1 (from the SYTYCD website) -

[Faina & Cedric] The pair will be doing a Shane Sparks hip-hop routine. Seemingly perfect for Cedric, but even he’s having a hard time with the speed of Shane’s choreography....The choreography is amazing, featuring all kinds of puppet motifs, but they struggle through it. The judges feel the same, saying it felt like dance by numbers.

[Anya & Danny] They start off really burning up the floor losing no momentum. This dance is usually too fast and rigorous for ballet dancers, but Danny has no problem. The judges totally love them, especially Mary Murphy who makes some weird metaphor about a hot tamale train pulling in station. Nigel, like me, is a little confused by the tamale comment but says they may be the couple to beat this season.

[Shauna & Jimmy] ...They take the stage with gusto pulling a page out of the Michael Jackson book dancing to a song from “The Wiz”. They stay in tight sync for nearly the entire routine. The judges totally eat it up loving the whole thing.

Ally's Comment: Bottom line Cedric couldn't make magic in his own genre - he should have been gone this week. Poor Fiana - didn't have a chance. Shauna and Jimmy take ownership of the stage and prove why they are in the Top 20. Anya and Danny do a fabulous job - Anya in her own genre (expected). FIRST HUGE MISTAKE by the Judges: Keeping Cedric. Ricky was a far superior dancer and sacrificed for WHAT???

Week 2

[Cedric and Faina] ...Faina is having no trouble learning the choreography, Cedric on the other hand…not so simple....Cedric is doing a great job faking the Fox Trot, then again it’s hard not to look good next to Faina. The judges are a little harsh this time around, each one saying they need to pick it up. Nigel says they will probably be in the bottom 3 again.

[Anya and Danny] are back doing a Viennese Waltz routine taught by Hunter Johnson. The crowd is eating it up, not sure it it’s the routine or if they just really love Anya and Danny together. The judges are unanimous, Mary being especially liberal with her praise including the season’s first Murphy scream!

[Shauna and Jimmy] are all set to do a hip-hop routine by Dave Scott. Shauna is wearing a SYTYCD shirt, an acronym I believe I coined the first season. Mad props Shauna, I’ll wait for the royalty check. Musically they’re already ahead in my book since they’re dancing to some killer dance hall. And just like the song they bust out full force, full energy. It’s the kind of dance you want to see 1000 people in purple jumpsuits doing on a beach somewhere. ...the crowd is screaming. The judges all love it, leaning a little toward Jimmy with the praise.

Ally's comment: Cedric still not cutting it. Seriously - he should have been gone last week. Anyone think that Ricky would have that much trouble doing the Fox Trot with Fiana? Ummm nope! Danny outshines Anya 10fold. He could have done the waltz by himself. Sacrificial lambs of the week Fiana and Jimmy. Fiana was stuck with Cedric - got pushed to the bottom 3 and poof is gone. NOT HER FAULT. Jimmy was sacrificed for a Cedric 2nd Chance - and the reason? WHO KNOWS!@#!@#!@#

Week 3

Unfortunately for Shauna - Cedric is now her partner.

[Shauna & Cedric] Now Mia Michaels will be teaching Cedric and Shauna one of the notoriously challenging contemporary routines. The crowd is freaking out and Mia, yes! Mia is crying! We have an official emotional response! Debbie Allen wastes no time showering their praises in a surprisingly eloquent manner. Mary comes in with an unpopular opinion saying it wasn’t good enough and Cedric needs to leave the competition. If she keeps talking, mob rule is going to take over. Nigel walks the line again saying he agrees with both sides...Nigel says in no uncertain terms that Cedric is out of here.

[Anya and Danny]...The two are paired with Dan Karaty for a Hip-hop routine. Right away the routine seems lackluster. The choreography is cool but they can’t get in sync...I'm sure the judges will totally disagree. Andddd they do. They totally love it pretty much drooling all over Danny.

Ally's Comment: Shauna SHINES and carries the whole routine. The only thing Cedric does is give a heartstrings speech to drum up votes. This is one of my biggest gripes. Yes, he seems sweet etc but this is a dance competition. He has yet to STEP IT UP DANCING. Anya and Danny are in the bottom 3. They are voted there with Danny not being the issue but Anya. Again, Anya just not measuring up to her far superior partner. The sacrificial lambs of the week is Danny (having to perform a solo when it should have been Cedric) and Jesus getting the boot instead of Cedric.

Week 4

[Cedric and Shauna] are up now to do a Mambo...When Alex heard he had Cedric he brought in 2 extra assistants to teach the often intractable hip-hopper the Mambo....Unfortunately the couple’s moves are cumbersome and slow with only a few moments that really shine, with Shauna looking like the leader. Mary Murphy pulls a surprise punch and praises Cedric for making big gains in terms of improvement....

[Danny and Anya] are up next. ...Through in some pulling, sliding and a 15 foot aerial jump by Danny and there’s the routine. I can’t say I’m impressed, but I think judges and voters are going to eat it up. The Judges are all so impressed they don’t have much to say…

Ally's comment: Shauna again carries her partner but lands in the bottom 3. Its not her fault her partner cannot cut it. (Bless him he does try.) Anya again goes unnoticed by beautiful leaps and turns by her partner Danny. She is completely out of her league with him. Her solo is only remembered because of the bad costume choice. Why did the judges keep Anya? WHY WHY WHY? Sacrificial lamb of the week: Shauna.

Hopefully it will end now that Cedric is finally gone. I think its great that he made it to Vegas but honestly, I think it should have stopped there. He does seem like a sweet person...but that doesn't make him some how more deserving than Ricky, Jimmy, Jesus, Fiana, and/or Shauna. All of them were eliminated as a direct or indirect result of keeping Cedric in the competition. Again I say - shame on you judges.

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