Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

The dark cloud is lifting from my world in 2008. YAY. Here are my resolutions:

1. Priority ONE: To become an "after". One baby and one broken leg later, I'm not looking so hot. When I do, I will post the before and after pictures. The before is staying behind locked doors until then.

2. Create healthier meals for my family. Since I've had a broken leg, we've gotten into the carryout routine. It ends today!

3. Help stay on budget. I'm going to do better and help us stay on track budget wise.

4. Kill the potty mouth. It doesn't matter how stressed out I am I shouldn't use foul language. I have tiny eyes peeping up at me - looking at me to be an EXAMPLE. Trashy words coming out of my mouth make me look - trashy.

Note: After reading this, you would think that I said bad words all the time. I don't. Its just sometimes one slips. My goal is to eliminate them all together.

5. Let things go. I get so worked up over stupid stuff. Really does it matter? Whether it be work or some self-righteous bully on the Internet -- I'm letting it go. I do not care as of TODAY!

Normally, I try to resolve 10 things. I think these 5 are going to pose enough challenge that I don't need 10. I'll post an update sometime in 2008!

Happy New Year TLTDaM!

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