Thursday, January 19, 2012

Things I REALLY want to do...

There are a couple of things I REALLY want to do...and when I see people doing them, I'm instantly jealous and wonder - WHY WHY WHY am I not doing that?!@?!  I guess this is technically my "bucket list".   Hopefully I can add to this.

  • Play the drums - I really want to learn to play the drums. Not just drumrolls. I'm talking ROCKSTAR drums. Sweat. Sticks.Loud Beats. FUN.
  • Decorate cakes - I really wish I could make those beautiful fondant cakes like we see on TV on time. Like THIS:
  • Make stuff - like creative stuff. Think Etsy. I have an idea -- and I want to make it but ugh...I just don't know what is holding me back.
  • Party Plan for a living - I love to plan a party! I love the minor details that most don't care about but someone will notice and appreciate.
  • Eat whatever I want and not gain a pound....People that get to do that make me...angry. I realize unless a super pill comes out this is probably not going to be a reality
  • Sell something - I think I could sell. I have people skills and not the deceitful kind.
  • Be part of a movie (feature film)! I would love to be in a movie....I could just be an extra -- or even a Grip just be a part of a movie. I did the 48hr film project last summer - but that doesn't count.
  • Write a book. I have so many plotlines in my head, maybe I should write a book called Plotlines.
  • Really decorate my home...with modern sleek decor. Not a lot of clutter -- I couldn't stand that...but with simple beautiful pieces.
There are more things...but it's late.

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