Most diseases -- lupus (mine!), diabetes, cancer, AIDS....their supporting organizations want to find a cure. Do any of these sound familiar? The RACE for the CURE. Finding a CURE....Walk to CURE Diabetes? Don't get me wrong, I would love to find a cure for these diseases. But why is the FOCUS on the CURE and not the cause?
When growing up, my dad used to say (and still does) "Remember where you come from". It used to just get on my nerves but now, I see that he had a really good point. My foundation, the core of who I am, is important and is a reflection of who I am and the people that I associate with whether it is family, co-workers, or friends.
Foundations tell us a lot. The foundations of disease can tell us a lot about prevention and eradication. But then there is the whole - what if we found that the cause was something like power lines or cellphone towers? What if the cause is the mercury filled light bulbs? What if the cause is something that our government has deemed safe? I'm sure there are groups who would FIGHT to disprove or even hide this information.
Do you want to know what I think? This country has a viscious disease and it's called SPECIAL INTERESTS. Our government is lobbied and the power is in whomever has the most money. In the case of finding the cure instead of a cause - BIG PHARMA has control.
Let's take diabetes for example -- do you know how much diabetes charged the US in 2012?
From: www.diabetes.org
The national cost of diabetes in the U.S. in 2012 was more than $245 billion.
If we stop diabetes from occurring -- we stop the CAUSE...someone is going to lose some of their pocket change. There is no reason to find the cause (or the cure for that matter) to the people doing the research. Look at the American Diabetes Association. If we get RID of diabetes all together....there is no need for the association. The CEO of the ADA, Larry Hausner, made over half a million dollars in 2012. Where is his motivation to find a cure -- let alone a cause!?! Also, 67% of the 8 MILLION dollars donated went to research. Resource Where did the other 33% go?
This is something I've been pondering for some time now. Curious to hear your thoughts....
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