Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lessons in Forgiveness from an 8 Year Old

For several weeks, we've had an event on our calendar that my 16 year old niece to take my 8 year old to breakfast before church (Niece's idea).  We had to move it from last week to this week, because we had company last to say Mere was looking forward to it - is an understatement.

So this morning we got up at 6:30a and got ready. (Well Mere did -- I was sleep walking.)  Around 7:00, we ventured downstairs and waited in my office for Molly to arrive.  Mere was sitting at my desk, staring out the window.   Around 7:30, I was getting worried; my niece wasn't here.  I didn't want to text or call if she was driving, so I texted my sister to see if she had left.

Long story short, Molly wasn't coming.  She called to apologize and I let her speak to Mere.

"Hi Molly"



"It's ok Molly"

"Bye Molly"

(hangs up)

"Mom, can I have some cheerios?"

She had gotten up super early and was so excited about her breakfast.  But was completely forgiving when it all fell apart.    She wasn't angry or upset, (maybe a little disappointed) nor did she complain.  I was so proud of her...and I need to be more like her.  I was so proud of how easy it is for her to forgive and move on - and what an example.   So precious.

They ended up spending the afternoon together - pizza and fro-yo.   All is well...and I am one proud mommy.

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