Tuesday, March 1, 2005

If You Won the Lottery....

What is the first thing you would buy?

I've been thinking about this today. We have a person in my office who takes up our $2 for the powerball every week. I'm paid up through April...but today was collection day. It just made me think...if we actually won what would be the first thing I would buy (aside from giving money away to friends, family and charity)?

Many things went through my head...

A getaway vacation
My husband a new car
Clothes from my In Style magazine
A new house (or at least a pool in this one)
Diamond Earrings
Art from a well known artist

But what of those make people happy? I've known many people with lots of money, things and that travel all the time. Granted, it is nice - it helps. Especailly if you have wants beyond your means, but honestly for happiness its not necessary. The happiest people I know come home to happy homes. The happiest people I know have lots of friends and family who love them. Its funny how that isn't on a scratch off ticket anywhere.

Remember: When parking up hill turn your wheels toward the centerline of the road. Why? If the vehicle would slip out of gear the car would roll backward and stop againt the curb. If there is no curb turn the wheels toward the side of the road.

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