Sunday, January 22, 2006

Rules of Engagement

It always cracks me up when you're talking about an "issue" with someone and they play the victim -- when they actually started the mess. Like you somehow forced them to say something or instigate the problem. Just fess up. Tell the truth. The victim role is for soap operas...not solving problems.

Seriously, I am learning a whole new perspective on the aspect of "mean people suck".

I can understand making a mistake. WE ALL make mistakes. But doing something with malicious intent to hurt someone's feelings -- is beyond me - seriously. And when it happens to me, I'm always amazed. I remember one time -- in an online game -- I actually asked someone to do something mean to make another person -- upset. It worked. I FELT ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. I still apologize to that person. And yet, there are people that do these things 24.7. What kills me is they have people surrounding them that think they are awesome.

Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall. I seriously need a "keep away from me mean person" sign.

Mood: bummed

Remember: If you laugh for 5 minutes straight really hard -- its like running a mile. (or so they say)

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