Monday, January 30, 2006


My great grandmother could grow an African Violet. Hers were always blooming and so beautiful. Mine...well they wouldn't win any awards. I'm trying so hard to keep them alive. I water them, not too often, from the bottom and yet they still try my patience. I have one that does great for a while and then yesterday I looked...brown leaves. pfft.

Why is it in relationships -- no matter how much we nuture them and try to do the right thing -- we still screw them up. We manage to somehow either -- over water -- or give them too much sun and poof! Instant death. I guess that is the one thing I've struggled with and continue to struggle with. Often, I won't say what I mean or I will not say enough. Or I say something and its taken the wrong way. Its just so frustrating. Words are very powerful and I think, myself included, we don't think very much before we speak.

If you've been a violet in my life...and I've somehow fried your leaves...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...and you are definately not alone.

Remember: Principle over price

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