Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What would you request for your "Photo Shoot"

I receive IN STYLE magazine and this month's cover featured Debra Messing in a BEAUTIFUL Prada gown. I loved the dress so I shuffled through 30 pages of advertisements to get to the page where they talk about the Cover Photo Shoot. So I found out she was decked out in Prada and Tiffany Jewelry (I won't EVEN mention the Tiffany Atlas necklace I discovered in Aruba...). What what I also read was that they ask her what music she would like to have played, foods she would like to eat while on the shoot, and reported on what she wore to the shoot.

OK, so I pose the question to you, TLTDaM Readers and myself.

  • What would you wear to the shoot?
  • What would you request for music to your photo shoot?
  • What snackages would you like to have?
  • Any other special requests?

I would probably yellow box flip flops, khaki pants, and my green shirt that my sister borrowed three days ago.

I would request to have Vivaldi (*wink), Dave Matthews Band and Jennifer Lopez music. (HAHAHA)

I would request Dasani Bottled Water (GAG Evian) and fresh strawberries dipped in godiva chocolate

A special request? I would request a foot massage post-shoot to soothe my aching feet after the horrendous 20 inch heels they just put my feet in. Then I would feel sorry for myself because I had to do that all day instead of documenting software issues.

Remember: Perception is everything.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I'd wear my bedpants, long sleeve T-shirt, and lots of make up.

I'd have my girls with me. All around us would be lots of bling...on pillows blankets floors and walls. The girls would be throwing glitter, beads and feathers all around.

Music : the walking songlist from my iPod and Rick's CD(all songs we like to sing to).

Food would be Chick Fil A nuggets, Sonic Lemon Slushes and an Aubrey's house salad (for me).

That's my life in a nutshell folks. I love it.

Dear Mom,

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