Saturday, May 6, 2006

Bone Marrow!!!!

We have this family friend who needs bone marrow. He's having trouble finding a donor. Did you know that on Mother's Day Weekend they have free Bone Marrow screening tests all over this country? Normally it costs $80 but next weekend - ITS FREE!

copied from an email:
If you would like to become a bone marrow donor, the first step is to have your blood tested and get into the bone marrow registry. This registry is searched when people are in need of a bone marrow transplant. Donating bone marrow isn't fun, but it could save the life of someone with cancer if you turn out to be a match at some point and come in to donate. The "Thanks Mom" campaign is running next weekend. The cost to join the Registry during this special campaign is free and you can find a listing of drives on the link below: The ages are 18-60 and you must be cancer-free for 5 years. You cannot be severly underweight or severly overweight.

Remember: Make plans to get tested

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