Sunday, April 15, 2007

Do over!

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Post a comment Do over!
EditAdd to groupDeleteViewable by anyone Apr 15, 2007 Post a comment Share Do you ever wish there was something you could do over? A life rewind perhaps?

I know that the big thing is to "live with no regrets." But I really don't think its possible to not have one "do over" moment. As we grow up/older and learn the right things to do, we better ourselves. The next day, the next week the next decade we gain a whole new perspective. So SURELY we have learned something post-event right? And in those learning experiences we now have "something we would do differently." So isn't that somewhat of a regret? I am talking in circles.

I have this one person that I would just like to start over with...I think we would have been GREAT friends if we had just started out on a better foot -- maybe the right instead of the left. We have a lot in common and its funny I find that MANY times we agree on many different topics. She is also a blogger and many times she is writing on topics that I have said the exact same thing. Should I ask her for a "do over?" I want to!

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