Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tiny Earthquakes...

My mornings have gone better, I have to admit. I first woke up this morning to the massive pain in my right leg. It could be because I broke the stupid thing three weeks ago. If any of you out there in voxland have broken your leg, would you clue me in on the schedule of nasty pain? I went a few days with minimal pain and now the nasty pain is back again. What is the deal? I welcome any insight on this.

I digress...this post is about earthquakes. So insert nice little pain pill zapper and off to numbville I go (thank you hoosband). The second time I wake up is because my house is shaking. We're talking pictures on the wall, the TV popping, fan swirving shaking! Instantly I am thinking grab the BABY GIRL, get under a doorframe kind of earthquake. Silly me this is no earthquake. This is just progress! The builder decided to build on the empy lot beside my house. Welcome to SIX MONTHS of earthquakes. One good thing? By the time the sheetrock is on the house next door, the sheetrock on my leg will be gone.

Hey I never promised my blog would be -- entertaining.

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