Sunday, October 14, 2007

Who are you going to vote for?

Click the link above and find out. I'll post my results in a few days. I'm pretty conservative - when it comes to a lot of things. It stinks you can't be pro-Green, anti-abortion, lower taxes, get out of Iraq for the love!, raise the tax cap on Social Security, no unified healthcare, make private insurance affordable, pro-college student loans, fix the economy and have someone to vote for. Its like trying to find a car you want -- well you can have the navigation, but it doesn't come in black. Or you can have the sunroof but you have to get the tech package. WTH?

But NO I will not be voting for Mayor Guiliani OR Hillary. So THERE.

Oh yea, and Brothers and Sisters comes on in an hour...are you ready for it? :) And if anyone is reading this that buys my sister gifts for Christmas, she wants Season One on DVD. :) k?

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