Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The burden of me.

I was talking to a friend last night...I'm pretty independent. Prior to breaking my leg - I simply didn't ask for help a lot...with my Mom being the exception. I'm always calling her about something. Since the accident, I've been completely unable to take care of even the simple things - myself. This is an AWFUL feeling. I understand everyone needs to learn the humility lesson but I've had my nose rubbed in it for almost a year...and honestly I'm tired of it. I don't know how much more I can take.

Last week, my closet racks fell down. Completely out of the wall -- dumping everything I own under the racks in the floor of my closet. Suddenly this week, it gets cold so any clothes I had "out" to be washed or anything are suddenly not weather appropriate. So this morning - I almost fall flat on my face trying to dig out a sweatshirt underneath the mess that has become my life. Its like WHAT THE ELSE ELSE CAN HAPPEN. Oh but the hits keep on coming...I had bought a bag of potatoes and there was a rotten one in the bag...apparently it had a gnat farm integrated into it and they migrated into my disposal bringing the gnat population in my house UP exponentially. Excuse me while I scream really loud in frustration. After a few internet how tos and after speaking to the pest control people I got rid of the stupid gnats. NASTY.

I know this may seem like a "no big deal" but try living it for a month or two or'll see what I mean.

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