Sunday, November 25, 2007

Moments in a Wheelchair

I started to title this post "Life in a Wheelchair"...but I can't begin to understand what an entire "LIFE" would be like in a wheelchair...but I do know about moments in a wheelchair. I understand so much better how the "simple things" are difficult for people with handicaps. Not to mention the mental stress on them.

Some observations from my moments.

People stare.

Doors are the hardest thing for people on crutches or in a manual wheelchair! I am always shocked at the person who will let the door slam in my face instead of waiting to hold it open.

Some people are really friendly and helpful. Lots of people will come up to you and just talk -- ask you what happened etc. This doesn't happen when I'm on my crutches as much as my wheelchair. Lots of people will offer to get things off of shelves, pick up something, help me unload groceries etc. It always shocks me.

Don't park in handicapped spaces unless you really are handicapped. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. Imagine having to hop all the way to Target (not to mention shop once you're in there) from the back 40 on crutches. People don't want to do it on two feet! I wish I could ticket everyone I see doing it. There is a reason that there is a $500 fee for parking there without reason. And if you're one of those people that thinks "this store has too many handicapped spaces" (like I used to do for some); the reason they do this is because fruitcakes that aren't supposed to park there do. Jerks. Obviously this topic fires me up.

Going to a bathroom is a major pain -- especially if you're a germ phob. The reason they have the handicapped bathrooms so big is because wheelchairs are so big and bulky...then you have to slide over to the toilet are you kidding me? And flush -- for the love - do it for the handicapped people that are almost eyelevel with the stupid potties.

Don't hit someone in a wheelchair -- they might feel it! Lots of people don't give a crap that you are injured (ok fine don't care)...and will hit your injury and won't acknowledge that they did it. I had at least 4 maybe 5 people knock my leg to the side because they weren't paying attention. It really shocked me that they couldn't even LOOK AT ME and say -- excuse me. Seriously. I freaking have broken bones and have had to have SURGERY on that leg that you just freaking HIT. Jerks.

People in wheelchairs are not invisible -- so don't pretend they are. At Brookstone the other day...not one, not two but three people, got in front of me in line to check out. I was OBVIOUSLY in line. I sat there in complete shock. Its like I was invisible...

If you're getting on an elevator and someone with a wheelchair is getting off...its nice to let them off first before pushing your way on the elevator. This happens ALL OF THE TIME. I'm not kidding...and it always surprises me that its mostly MEN.

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