Monday, November 19, 2007


When I think of Thanksgiving, I always think of my Grandparents. I love that my Poppy would mix everything on his plate together before he ate it and then sit after dinner rubbing his belly. I loved that my Papaw Willard (I'm a southern girl) would eat a TON but still be skinny as a rail. I loved my Grandma Nita being so quiet and just smiling as we sat on her lap. Her legs seemed sooo long and I loved her high heels. I loved Grandma Callie sitting in the chair by the fireplace. She would just watch us run around like wild girls. I loved the sound of the silver hitting the "good china". Grandma Helen would always save the wish bone for my sister and I to yank apart. Sometimes she would hide it to fool us...but we were rarely fooled. We knew she saved it.

Its funny because now my sister has Thanksgiving dinner. It just passes down. And I've been thinking a lot about my Grandmother Helen this past week. Her heath didn't allow her to attend Thanksgiving at my sisters house last year and we really missed her. And then this year, she passed away in seems like a long time ago, but it was only 11 months ago. I wish I could have one more Thanksgiving like I did when I was a kid. I would know how those moments pass so fast...even though at the time -- they seem so slow.

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