Sunday, February 17, 2013

Best not knowing.

Facebook is good and Facebook is bad.  Some days I just want to close my account and never look back.

You may be thinking....Ally -- what in the world are you talking about?  OK so.....Facebook is

Good in that I get to keep up with everyone or see cool vacation photos....and watch kids grow up -- keep in touch with people I wouldn't otherwise keep up with...laugh at jokes -- or those crazy ecards -- or knowing that so many people are exercising - 'cause you KNOW that is important.

But bad in that sometimes I read things and I'm just blown away at.... How much I disagree with people I care about or....How I let my feelings get hurt when I read (it's posted!) that people I like spending time with -- people I miss -- can never make time for me -- but somehow make time for others.   Or how politically charged people are and do nothing but spew hatred at the "other side" about when people go to the gym -- then I feel guilty!    Being sad, angry, hurt, and guilty are not fun emotions!

Am I better off knowing or not knowing?

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